Η παρέλαση της πρωταθλήτριας Μάντσεστερ Σίτι

MANCHESTER, ENGLAND - MAY 14:  Sergio Aguero of Manchester City celebrates with the Barclays Premier League trophy next to team-mate Gael Clichy in front of Manchester Town Hall during the victory parade around the streets of Manchester on May 14, 2012 in Manchester, United Kingdom.  (Photo by Chris Brunskill/Getty Images)
MANCHESTER, ENGLAND - MAY 14: Sergio Aguero of Manchester City celebrates with the Barclays Premier League trophy next to team-mate Gael Clichy in front of Manchester Town Hall during the victory parade around the streets of Manchester on May 14, 2012 in Manchester, United Kingdom. (Photo by Chris Brunskill/Getty Images) GETTY IMAGES

Η Σίτι γιόρτασε την κατάκτηση του πρωταθλήματος με την παραδοσιακή παρέλαση (πάνω σε ανοιχτό διόροφο λεωφορείο) στους δρόμους του Μάντσεστερ, υπό τις επευφημίες 100.000 οπαδών της. Δείτε photos+videos!

Μετά από αναμονή 44 ετών, η Μάντσεστερ Σίτι έγινε και πάλι το αφεντικό της πόλης αλλά και ολόκληρης της Αγγλίας (χάρη στη νίκη-θρίλερ στις καθυστερήσεις επί της ΚΠΡ) και οι άνθρωποί της γιόρτασαν με την ψυχή τους το απόγευμα της Δευτέρας.

Ο λόγος φυσικά για την προγραμματισμένη παρέλαση των πρωταθλητών Αγγλίας στους δρόμους του Μάντσεστερ, σε μία 2,5 χιλιομέτρων διαδρομή η οποία έγινε υπό τις επευφημίες, τα συνθήματα και τις ζητωκραυγές περίπου 100.000 φίλων των "πολιτών".

Αρχικά οι παίκτες και το τεχνικό επιτελείο συγκεντρώθηκαν στην οδό Albert Square, έξω από το δημαρχιακό μέγαρο της πόλης, όπου είχε στηθεί μία μεγάλη εξέδρα για να μιλήσουν στο συγκεντρωμένο πλήθος.

"Κάνει κρύο! Είναι Μάιος αλλά κάνει κρύο", αστειεύτηκε ο Ρομπέρτο Μαντσίνι, για να μιλήσει στη συνέχεια για το απίστευτο παιχνίδι που έλαβε χώρα μία ημέρα νωρίτερα στο "Etihad Stadium" απέναντι στην ΚΠΡ.

"Είχαμε τα καλύτερα και τα χειρότερα πέντε λεπτά της ζωής μας. Ήταν μία εκπληκτική στιγμή μετά την επίτευξη του τρίτου τέρματός μας, αλλά προηγουμένως τα πράγματα ήταν δύσκολα.

Πιστεύω ότι πρέπει να είμαστε υπερήφανοι για αυτούς τους παίκτες γιατί έκαναν τα πάντα για εσάς, τους οπαδούς".

Ο αρχηγός Βενσάν Κομπανί έκανε λόγο για εκπληκτικές καταστάσεις που ζει μετά το τέλος του αγώνα με την ΚΠΡ, ενώ ο γκολκίπερ της Σίτι και της Εθνικής Αγγλίας, Τζο Χαρτ, τόνισε:

"Ήταν μία από τις πιο δραματικές ημέρες στη ζωή μου και πιθανότατα μία από τις καλύτερες επίσης".

Ο Σέρχιο Αγουέρο ευχαρίστησε τον κόσμο και αποκάλυψε ότι έκλαψε λίγο όταν σκόραρε το γκολ-τίτλου, ενώ ο συμπατριώτης του Πάμπλο Σαμπαλέτα δήλωσε πως ήταν σίγουρος πως η μπάλα θα πήγαινε στα δίχτυα όταν έφτασε στα πόδια του Αγουέρο στο φινάλε.

Η παρέλαση των φετινών θριαμβευτών στη φετινή Πρέμιερ Λιγκ διήρκεσε σχεδόν δύο ώρες και κατέληξε στην Corporation Street, ενώ όσον αφορά στο ντεσού της μαγικής βραδιάς αυτό είχε πρωταγωνιστή τον Κάρλος Τέβες.

Και αυτό γιατί ο Αργεντίνος φορ ύψωσε κάποια στιγμή ένα χαρτόνι που έγραφε "RIP FERGIE" ("Αναπαύσουν εν ειρήνη Φέργκι"), θέλοντας προφανώς να κάνει το χατήρι ενός οπαδού και να πικάρει τον τεχνικό της Μάντσεστερ Γιουνάιτεντ και άλλοτε προπονητή του.

Η γιορτή της Μάντσεστερ Σίτι μέσα από φωτογραφίες

Η παρέλαση της πρωταθλήτριας Μάντσεστερ Σίτι
Η παρέλαση της πρωταθλήτριας Μάντσεστερ Σίτι
Η παρέλαση της πρωταθλήτριας Μάντσεστερ Σίτι
Η παρέλαση της πρωταθλήτριας Μάντσεστερ Σίτι
© AP
Manchester City's Argentinian forward Sergio Aguero (2R) and Manchester City's Romanian goalkeeper Costel Pantilimon hold the trophy on an open topped bus as they celebrate becoming English Premier League champions in a parade leaving from Mancheter Town Hall in Manchester, northwest England, on May 14, 2012. Manchester City beat their rivals Manchester United on goal difference to be crowned champions on the final day of the season with a 3-2 victory over Queens Park Rangers. AFP PHOTO/PAUL ELLIS        (Photo credit should read PAUL ELLIS/AFP/GettyImages)
Manchester City's Argentinian forward Sergio Aguero (2R) and Manchester City's Romanian goalkeeper Costel Pantilimon hold the trophy on an open topped bus as they celebrate becoming English Premier League champions in a parade leaving from Mancheter Town Hall in Manchester, northwest England, on May 14, 2012. Manchester City beat their rivals Manchester United on goal difference to be crowned champions on the final day of the season with a 3-2 victory over Queens Park Rangers. AFP PHOTO/PAUL ELLIS (Photo credit should read PAUL ELLIS/AFP/GettyImages) AFP/GETTY IMAGES
Manchester City players sit on an open topped bus as they celebrate becoming English Premier League champions in a parade leaving from Mancheter Town Hall in Manchester, northwest England, on May 14, 2012. Manchester City beat their rivals Manchester United on goal difference to be crowned champions on the final day of the season with a 3-2 victory over Queens Park Rangers. AFP PHOTO/PAUL ELLIS        (Photo credit should read PAUL ELLIS/AFP/GettyImages)
Manchester City players sit on an open topped bus as they celebrate becoming English Premier League champions in a parade leaving from Mancheter Town Hall in Manchester, northwest England, on May 14, 2012. Manchester City beat their rivals Manchester United on goal difference to be crowned champions on the final day of the season with a 3-2 victory over Queens Park Rangers. AFP PHOTO/PAUL ELLIS (Photo credit should read PAUL ELLIS/AFP/GettyImages) AFP/GETTY IMAGES
MANCHESTER, ENGLAND - MAY 14: Manchester City fans wear shirts displaying the messages "Champions" and "Noisy Neighbour" as they look on in front of Manchester Town Hall before the start of the victory parade around the streets of Manchester on May 14, 2012 in Manchester, United Kingdom.  (Photo by Chris Brunskill/Getty Images)
MANCHESTER, ENGLAND - MAY 14: Manchester City fans wear shirts displaying the messages "Champions" and "Noisy Neighbour" as they look on in front of Manchester Town Hall before the start of the victory parade around the streets of Manchester on May 14, 2012 in Manchester, United Kingdom. (Photo by Chris Brunskill/Getty Images) GETTY IMAGES
Manchester City supporters gather for a parade in the city centre the day after their team won the English Premier League, Manchester, England, Monday May 14, 2012. (AP Photo/Jon Super)
Manchester City supporters gather for a parade in the city centre the day after their team won the English Premier League, Manchester, England, Monday May 14, 2012. (AP Photo/Jon Super) AP
A young Manchester City supporter holds up an inflatable trophy before a parade in the city centre the day after the team won the English Premier League, Manchester, England, Monday May 14, 2012. (AP Photo/Jon Super)
A young Manchester City supporter holds up an inflatable trophy before a parade in the city centre the day after the team won the English Premier League, Manchester, England, Monday May 14, 2012. (AP Photo/Jon Super) AP
MANCHESTER, ENGLAND - MAY 14:  The players from Manchester City lift the Barclays Premier League trophy in front of Manchester Town Hall before the start of their victory parade around the streets of Manchester on May 14, 2012 in Manchester, England.  (Photo by Alex Livesey/Getty Images)
MANCHESTER, ENGLAND - MAY 14: The players from Manchester City lift the Barclays Premier League trophy in front of Manchester Town Hall before the start of their victory parade around the streets of Manchester on May 14, 2012 in Manchester, England. (Photo by Alex Livesey/Getty Images) GETTY IMAGES
Manchester City players stand with their manager Roberto Mancini as they celebrateon an open-topped bus becoming English Premier League champions in a parade leaving from Mancheter Town Hall in Manchester, northwest England, on May 14, 2012. Manchester City beat their rivals Manchester United on goal difference to be crowned champions on the final day of the season with a 3-2 victory over Queens Park Rangers. AFP PHOTO/ANDREW YATESANDREW YATES/AFP/GettyImages
Manchester City players stand with their manager Roberto Mancini as they celebrateon an open-topped bus becoming English Premier League champions in a parade leaving from Mancheter Town Hall in Manchester, northwest England, on May 14, 2012. Manchester City beat their rivals Manchester United on goal difference to be crowned champions on the final day of the season with a 3-2 victory over Queens Park Rangers. AFP PHOTO/ANDREW YATESANDREW YATES/AFP/GettyImages AFP/GETTY IMAGES
MANCHESTER, ENGLAND - MAY 14:  Sergio Aguero of Manchester City celebrates with the Barclays Premier League trophy next to team-mate Gael Clichy in front of Manchester Town Hall during the victory parade around the streets of Manchester on May 14, 2012 in Manchester, United Kingdom.  (Photo by Chris Brunskill/Getty Images)
MANCHESTER, ENGLAND - MAY 14: Sergio Aguero of Manchester City celebrates with the Barclays Premier League trophy next to team-mate Gael Clichy in front of Manchester Town Hall during the victory parade around the streets of Manchester on May 14, 2012 in Manchester, United Kingdom. (Photo by Chris Brunskill/Getty Images) GETTY IMAGES
Manchester City's Argentinian forward Carlos Tevez sits with his teammates on an open topped bus as they celebrate becoming English Premier League champions in a parade leaving from Mancheter Town Hall in Manchester, northwest England, on May 14, 2012. Manchester City beat their rivals Manchester United on goal difference to be crowned champions on the final day of the season with a 3-2 victory over Queens Park Rangers. AFP PHOTO/PAUL ELLISPAUL ELLIS/AFP/GettyImages
Manchester City's Argentinian forward Carlos Tevez sits with his teammates on an open topped bus as they celebrate becoming English Premier League champions in a parade leaving from Mancheter Town Hall in Manchester, northwest England, on May 14, 2012. Manchester City beat their rivals Manchester United on goal difference to be crowned champions on the final day of the season with a 3-2 victory over Queens Park Rangers. AFP PHOTO/PAUL ELLISPAUL ELLIS/AFP/GettyImages AFP/GETTY IMAGES
Manchester City players and their manager, Roberto Mancin (R) stand on an open topped bus as they celebrate becoming English Premier League champions in a parade leaving from Mancheter Town Hall in Manchester, northwest England, on May 14, 2012. Manchester City beat their rivals Manchester United on goal difference to be crowned champions on the final day of the season with a 3-2 victory over Queens Park Rangers. AFP PHOTO/PAUL ELLISPAUL ELLIS/AFP/GettyImages
Manchester City players and their manager, Roberto Mancin (R) stand on an open topped bus as they celebrate becoming English Premier League champions in a parade leaving from Mancheter Town Hall in Manchester, northwest England, on May 14, 2012. Manchester City beat their rivals Manchester United on goal difference to be crowned champions on the final day of the season with a 3-2 victory over Queens Park Rangers. AFP PHOTO/PAUL ELLISPAUL ELLIS/AFP/GettyImages AFP/GETTY IMAGES
Manchester City players stand with their manager Roberto Mancini as they celebrate becoming English Premier League champions in a parade leaving from Mancheter Town Hall in Manchester, northwest England, on May 14, 2012. Manchester City beat their rivals Manchester United on goal difference to be crowned champions on the final day of the season with a 3-2 victory over Queens Park Rangers. AFP PHOTO/PAUL ELLISPAUL ELLIS/AFP/GettyImages
Manchester City players stand with their manager Roberto Mancini as they celebrate becoming English Premier League champions in a parade leaving from Mancheter Town Hall in Manchester, northwest England, on May 14, 2012. Manchester City beat their rivals Manchester United on goal difference to be crowned champions on the final day of the season with a 3-2 victory over Queens Park Rangers. AFP PHOTO/PAUL ELLISPAUL ELLIS/AFP/GettyImages AFP/GETTY IMAGES
Η παρέλαση της πρωταθλήτριας Μάντσεστερ Σίτι
Η παρέλαση της πρωταθλήτριας Μάντσεστερ Σίτι
Η παρέλαση της πρωταθλήτριας Μάντσεστερ Σίτι
Η παρέλαση της πρωταθλήτριας Μάντσεστερ Σίτι